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Stephanie Neimiller

Not all heroes wear capes; some wear a Marshal’s uniform!

The Marshal’s Office for the City of Royston, GA, is to be commended for their ongoing commitment to animal protection and effective enforcement of laws. This week the Marshal’s Office, with assistance from the Georgia Department of Agriculture, successfully shut down an unregistered and unlicensed breeding operation in Royston where sick puppies were being sold.

Statement from the Marshal’s Office: “Evidence was collected over a one-week timeframe that indicated the breeder was operating unlawfully. The protection and welfare of the animals concerned continue to be the highest priority for the City of Royston.”

Royston City Marshal Fannin understands the link between animal abuse and crimes against society. He has been involved in the successful prosecution of 4 cases of animal cruelty since arriving on the job in February. He provides a clean and safe environment for animals temporarily held in the city kennel while evidence is gathered for cases.

Marshal Fannin has also organized a series of certification workshops for Animal Control Officers and Shelter Technicians being hosted by the City of Royston in 2023-24 (see Aug. 1 post, ).

In another case, Marshal Fannin picked up a small, abandoned dog (pictured here) who was trying to survive by eating leaf debris and pine straw. The owner had apparently left the country, so prosecution wasn’t possible. The Marshal reached out to GPC and a board member volunteered to transport the dog to Tiny Paws ATL where he is now receiving vet care and love and looking forward to a new life as “Bowie.”

MANY THANKS to Marshal Fannin and Tiny Paws ATL!

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